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The perfume ritual - May 2019

The perfume ritual is a therapy derived from traditional Amazonian medicine and currently used in the therapeutic protocol of the Takiwasi Center, especially in the initial phase of detoxification of drug addict patients. Through the use of some substances such as tobacco, perfumes, camphor, accompanied by the healing songs called ikaros, a ritual work of cleansing, purification and reinforcement is performed. These practices have been transmitted to Takiwasi by the master healer perfumero Ignacio Pérez Ortiz. The ritual ends with the final cleansing in the river where the effects of the perfume are lowered and the healer calls for the spirits of the water to eliminate the bad energies.

Author : Fabio Friso

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : -

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Master Plants: Ushpawasha Sanango - May 2019

The Ushpawasha Sanango is a teacher plant that when ingested in the context of a traditional plant diet reconnects the person with their emotional world, and that is why it is also known as the plant of the "memory of the heart". From memories, dreams, feelings, thoughts and sensations the plant allows repressed emotions to flow in and to get in touch with deep feelings.

Author : Fabio Friso

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English, Français, Italiano, Português

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Interview with Dr. Jacques Mabit on the Path of Plants - pt. 1 - April 2019

First part of an interview with Dr. Jacques Mabit by Louis Bidou & Aurélie Marques, directors of the film "The path of plants: a journey to healing". After spending two months in Tarapoto sharing the daily life of Takiwasi, Jacques receives Louis and Aurélie for a final interview. Here are the main topics: 1) What is your path? 2) How did you decide to work with drug addicts? 3) What is the purpose of the Takiwasi Center? 4) What is Takiwasi's point of view on the origin of addiction? 5) How is Takiwasi different from conventional treatment?

Author : Aurélie Marques, Louis Bidou

Audio : French

Subtitle : -

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Interview with Dr. Jacques Mabit on the Path of Plants - pt. 2 - April 2019

Second part of an interview with Dr. Jacques Mabit by Louis Bidou & Aurélie Marques, directors of the film "The path of plants: a journey to healing ". After spending two months in Tarapoto sharing the daily life of Takiwasi, Jacques receives Louis and Aurélie for a final interview. Here the main topics: 1) How do the so-called "hallucinogenic" plants work? 2) What is ayahuasca? 3) Is the experience of ayahuasca accessible to a Westerner? 4) In your practices, how do you relate religion to ayahuasca?

Author : Aurélie Marques, Louis Bidou

Audio : French

Subtitle : -

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The Path of Plants - A Journey to Healing - March 2019

The Path of Plants is a documentary series that demonstrates the complexity of the debates around the emblematic plants of indigenous peoples. Each story is embodied by a person or a group. At this moment, a first film about the Takiwasi Center entitled "A Journey to Healing” is being edited.

Author : Aurélie Marques, Louis Bidou

Audio : French

Subtitle : English, Español, Français

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Master Plants: Ajo Sacha - February 2019

Ajo Sacha (Mansoa alliacea) is a plant widely used for medicinal purposes in the Peruvian Amazon. Its leaves, roots and barks are used in different preparations to treat a variety of ailments such as rheumatism, to improve immunological defenses and to treat joint and muscle pain and inflammation in general. According to the Amazonian tradition, when Ajo Sacha is ingested under controlled condition called Dieta, it gives teachings to the person. For this reason it is known as "master plant". Within this context, Ajo Sacha acts on a psychological level helping the person to strengthen their self-esteem and their decision-making ability.

Author : Fabio Friso

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English, Français, Italiano

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Retreat/Diet Testimonial - Noelia - January 2019

According to what reported by the participants, the experience of the retreat/diet allows to relive childhood and past traumas, unsolved situations, psychological blocks, aspects of vital importance for each person, which can be very intimate and that it is necessary to face and deal with, to be able to find inner peace and continue with our own path of personal development. A first diet can be useful to clean certain traumas, fears, negative projections, so to later begin a process that involves working on a life plan.
More testimonials about the experience of the retreat/diet: Testimonials.

Author : Caroline Fidalgo

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English, Français, Italiano

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Master Plants: Bobinsana - December 2018

The Bobinsana tree (Calliandra angustifolia) is considered one of the most important teacher plants in Amazonian cosmovision. It is a tree that usually grows on the banks of rivers. Its deep roots and the flexibility of its trunk allow it to withstand the force of the water without breaking. It is traditionally used for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and as an anti-inflammatory and energizer. At the psychic level, the main effects are tranquility, softness of thoughts, flexibility and reflection. It teaches rooting, emotional communication and heart openness. It is also considered the plant of spiritual joy.

Author : Fabio Friso

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English, Français, Italiano

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Retreat/Diet Testimonial - Géraldine - December 2018

In her testimonial Géraldine Correia, talks about how the retreats/diets helped her making decisions, changing her life, doing her job better and improve her relationship with her parents and her 5 children. Géraldine started doing retreats/diets in Takiwasi 6 years ago and she participated in the November 2018 retreat/diet to work on topics such as abandonment issues from her childhood, her anger, and her relationship with her father.
More testimonials about the experience of the retreat/diet: Testimonials.

Author : Caroline Fidalgo

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English, Français, Italiano, Português

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Master Plants: Palos - December 2018

The decoction called Palos is a mixture of several barks and roots of important Amazonian trees as Chuchuwasi, Bolaquiro, Bachufa, Quilluhuiqui and Bobinsana. The whole has the effect of affirming manhood and will, and is traditionally used as an anti-rheumatic. As a traditional Amazonian diet plant it has a masculine energy, acting on the physical, psychic and spiritual structures to straighten and strengthen them. It works on the musculoskeletal system; it offers a feeling of verticality, of rooting and of finding a meaning in life. It increases confidence and will, gives strength and provides defense on a physical, psychological and spiritual level.

Author : Fabio Friso

Audio : Spanish

Subtitle : English, Français, Italiano

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