The Takiwasi Center and the association GASS - Grup Associat pels Serveis de Salut - proposed in 2010 a conference in Barcelona on the traditional use of tobacco. It is a curative instrument with a very ancient tradition that perhaps can be considered the first curative plant used in the Amazon. Read the article: Sinchi, sinchi, negrito
Author : Eduard Casas Bertet
Audio : Spanish
Subtitle : Français
The master healer Ignacio Pérez Ortiz was a central pillar of Takiwasi for 15 years until his death in 2009. He was an indigenous Quechua-Lamista from the town of Rumisapa, located a few kilometers from Tarapoto. Ignacio learned the art of healing from his uncle at the age of 22 and later specialized as a master perfumero. In his practice, he invoked the help of the rivers of the Amazon region, as well as the spirits of mermaids, white boas and other invisible beings that inhabit the waters. Ignacio was a specialist in treating mental problems and dealing with agitated, confused, and lost people, using instruments such as perfumes, camphor and tobacco.
Author : Association Saukaap
Audio : Spanish
Subtitle : English, Français
The School of Social and Pedagogical Studies - EESP of Lausanne in collaboration with the Romand Group of Addictions Studies - GREA organized a conference on the theme: “Amazonian shamanism and modified states of consciousness: a return to the past or a jump towards the future" with the participation of Dr. Jacques Mabit.
Can Amazonian shamanic practices contribute to the necessary emergence of a new Western paradigm that takes universal form? For some it would be a return to an obsolete past, for others a kind of panacea associated with a form of negation of Western culture. We believe in a third, more conciliatory, fruitful and sure way. Between encouragement and warning, based on our personal experience, we want to elucidate some aspects of the western approach to the ancestral knowledge of the cultures of the Upper Peruvian Amazon and try to identify some bold and cautious lines of conduct.
Author : EESP
Audio : French
Subtitle : -
Dr. Jacques Mabit, president of the Takiwasi Center, talks about drug addiction treatment with ayahuasca and other plants traditionally used in the form of diets and purges in Peruvian Amazon. Presentation given at the conference “Dialogues Between Medicines” organized by GASS in 2009 in the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Author : GASS
Audio : Spanish
Subtitle : -
Conference by Jacques Mabit, Medical Doctor and founding president of the Takiwasi Center for the Rehabiitation of Drug Addicts and for Research on Traditional Medicine, Tarapoto, Peru. Our clinical experience in the Peruvian Amazon reveals to us, through the modified states of consciousness, the extreme importance in the deep psyche of transgenerational heritages. These appear in the background of the biography of the patients, in their personal prehistory, not as simple psychic baggage but as forces presiding over spiritual becoming. They refer to our conquest of inner freedom which must free itself from the bondage of curses and secrets of our ancestors to ascend to the status of the blessed by the Father.
Author : Centro Takiwasi
Audio : French
Subtitle : -
Conference by Jacques Mabit, physician and founder of the Takiwasi Center for the rehabilitation of drug addicts and research on traditional medicines. Conference promoted by PSY IDEA, Institute for Development, Education and Teaching of Psychology. Cycle 2012: "Cries and whispers of the soul". You can read the full text of the conference in French here: De l’ouragan à la brise légère
Author : Centro Takiwasi
Audio : French
Subtitle : -
From the Amazon jungles to downtown Canada, ideas about Ayahuasca revive a decades-old argument about the uses and abuses, the ecstasies and the efficacies of mind-altering plants. Ayahuasca has been part of shamanic tradition for centuries. Broadcasters Thomas McKinnon and Leonard Cler-Cunningham travel the old trails, attend the ceremonies, and debate the religious, economic and political questions surrounding the divine vegetal. Among the people interviewed are Jessica Rochester (Canadian Santo Daime Leader), Alex Polari de Alverga (Brazilian Santo Daime Leader), Jacques Mabit (Takiwasi Center, Peru) and Dennis McKenna (Researcher).
Author : Thomas McKinnon, Leonard Cler-Cunningham
Audio : English
Subtitle : -
Interview by François Delonnay made at the Takiwasi Center, on 17/11/2006. Tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) has accompanied the inhabitants of the Americas since ancient time. It is estimated that it has been cultivated and used in different ways for thousands of years. It even seems to have been the first plant regularly cultivated in the Americas. In the Amazon, smoking tobacco currently has two connotations: the peasant's habit when going to the farm and its healing or ceremonial use. In the healing context, the act of smoking always follows a previous use of solid or liquid preparations. This chronological order of ingestion shows a deep respect for the same order of life. The orderly development of these stages in the perceptible world symbolizes a transcendent law which governs all human becoming.
Author : François Delonnay
Audio : French
Subtitle : Español
Interview with Fabienne Bâcle, psychotherapist at the Takiwasi Center, which uses procedures inspired by Amazonian ancestral knowledge to deal with addiction to smoked tobacco, which is usually accompanied by excessive consumption of other potentially addictive substances. Similarly, the ritualized use of liquid tobacco extracts shows great interest as a facilitator of psychotherapeutic approaches, allowing blocked processes to be unlocked quickly and effectively. In addition to physical detoxification, it stimulates the dream life, allows patients to reconnect with their inner world and provides them with mental clarity, feeling of strength, ability to concentrate and emotional stability. It reactivates the spiritual dimension and promotes the restoration of a deep sense of life.
Author : François Delonnay
Audio : French
Subtitle : Español