
ALA2020 Congress - Symposium "The narcotization of the world"

Psychologist Uriel López will represent Takiwasi at the VI Congress of the Latin American Association of Anthropology that will be held online in November 2020. Uriel will participate with an oral presentation entitled "The positive dialogue between the Western and the Indigenous World regarding drug use as a consequence of existential emptiness and neoliberal carelessness”.

In the light of the current health, economic and social crisis caused by COVID-19 pandemic, the organizing committee of the ALA2020 Congress has communicated its decision to keep the date of the VI Congress of the Latin American Association of Anthropology for November 24-27, 2020, and to develop the event in virtual mode.

Among the various symposiums and axes on which the congress is structured is the axis "Health, well-being and disease processes", with the symposium "The narcotization of the world: health-disease processes as a moral defense between consumers and addicts to enervating and analgesic substances” in which Uriel López, psychologist of the therapeutic team of the Takiwasi Center, will participate.
