
Psychotherapeutic frontiers 2022

The Italian association Psy.Co.Re. dedicated to research and therapy related to modified states of consciousness, is organizing the second edition of the "Psychotherapeutic Frontiers" congress that will take place in Turin, Italy, on June 10-11, 2022.

In this event, the Takiwasi Center will be represented by the scientific director Matteo Politi and the psychologist Uriel López Legaria. Matteo will present the lecture "Research at the Takiwasi Center between mental health and traditional Amazonian medicine" in the framework of the debate on the state of the art in psychedelic clinical research, while Uriel will address the topic "The formative role of the Takiwasi Center in its therapeutic model for approaching drug addiction: an innovative and effective design” as part of the panel that wants to focus on new training spaces in the accompaniment of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Full program of the event: Frontiere psicoterapeutiche 2022.
