
Grants for Addiction Treatment

The Center for the Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts and Research on Traditional Medicines - Takiwasi is a non-profit civil association that since 1992 has been providing medical and psychological care to people with addiction and mental health problems.

The Takiwasi Center is one of the few Therapeutic Communities legally authorized by the Ministry of Health of Peru, for the professionalized assistance of people with problems of drug addictions. The therapeutic proposal of the Center is based on an innovative protocol that combines knowledge and practices from Traditional Amazonian Medicine with modern psychology and medicine.

Takiwasi offers different types of grants for people who suffer from addictions, but lack the necessary financial resources to pay for their own treatment, and despite that show a strong desire to get cured. These payment facilities are provided to people that undertake a residential treatment lasting from 9 to 12 months, which include psychological accompaniment and medical treatment with Amazonian medicinal plants as well as accommodation, food and personal hygiene supplies, among other services.

Grants are offered to people with limited economic resources or living in a situation of poverty, after evaluating their conditions. For people with family support, an economic agreement of mutual convenience can be reached. Addictions not only bring negative consequences on the individual, but also negatively affect the life and stability of the other family members who have to live with and relate to an unstable person.

The Takiwasi Center has never closed its doors to a person really motivated to heal and in appropriate physical conditions. The doors are open regardless of the social, economic, educational background or country of origin. . The work of the Takiwasi Center is mainly social and humanitarian. The Center is led by an interdisciplinary team of professionals, among whom there are doctors, psychologists, educators and indigenous healers who await you with open arms.